Aimee Collinson

I am a 17yr old show jumper from Auckland, studying at Saint Kentigern College in Auckland.

I have a current team of 4 super horses, working to produce my youngsters up through the grades and I currently compete up to the young rider level, hoping to step up confidently next season. I am currently on the ESNZ Talent Identification Squad for the 2022/2023 season with big goals to work my way up to the top level. Each horse is powered year-round by Equine America with a wide range of high-quality products helping them to remain in peak condition and feel their best.

My favorite Equine America products throughout the competition season would be the ‘Buteless Super Strength Powder,’ helping to provide natural anti-inflammatory to maintain comfort after their rounds, as well as ‘Pro-Pell Plus Solution’ to give them an extra boost of energy when they are feeling flat and tired. Their daily feeding routine staples are the ‘Cortaflex®HA powder’ for the natural maintenance of healthy cartilage and joint fluid supporting mobility, as well as ‘Applelytes Electrolyte Powder’ working to replace key electrolytes lost in sweat and encourages drinking and rehydration. There is a different product providing something for every need and making such a difference in your horses' health. I am very proud to be part of the Equine America Team, knowing that all products are NOPS-approved meaning they are 100% legal and competition safe!