Equine America products are awesome, our girl has been on cortaflex super fen to help her joints and we love the buteless super strength powder when getting ready for a comp and when out competing.
Cortaflex HA Super Fenn Powder 1kg SPECIAL Best Before 13/04/2024
Belinda Anderson
Cortaflex and Shaker Gard
I recently began using both these products for my stationbred dressage horse and totally recommend. Concentration, relaxation abd paces all improved and tendency to headflick much reduced.
Cortaflex HA Regular Powder 900gm SPECIAL BB 25/02/2024
Keegan Lodge
Have not been able to buy this any where else.
Cushins Pellets 1KG
Ottilie Upshall
The Go-To Biotin
Great product, horses love it! Using it to strengthen up hooves after getting seedy toe last winter.
Biotin Xtra Powder 2.5kg
We have a 35 year old advanced cushings horse that was on high doses of the prescription meds, we took him off meds as we felt at his age it was time to let nature take its course. He went backwards fast and we put him on Cushins Pellets and now he is back in the same health he was in on the prescription medcation, if not even better. A must have product for all cushings cases!