Equine America products are awesome, our girl has been on cortaflex super fen to help her joints and we love the buteless super strength powder when getting ready for a comp and when out competing.
Cortaflex HA Super Fenn Powder 1kg SPECIAL Best Before 13/04/2024
Belinda Anderson
Cortaflex and Shaker Gard
I recently began using both these products for my stationbred dressage horse and totally recommend. Concentration, relaxation abd paces all improved and tendency to headflick much reduced.
Cortaflex HA Regular Powder 900gm SPECIAL BB 25/02/2024
Aimee Scott
Thankful for a natural alternative that works
I have a 40year old wee pony who has had cushings for years we tried the Vet prescribed medication but unfortunately Pipi wouldn’t eat it and when I managed to get it into her she stopped eating completely which isn’t great for an old lady.
She hadn’t moulted for years so had a hot coat all through summer which was stressful for her (we did clipp her), I put her and her friend Spice 24 years (who was starting to look like he had Cushings) on Equine America Cushins, she moulted that summer into her old beautiful coat! She had more energy and was back to her happy self! I highly recommend this product to try as a support for cushings espically if your horse doesn’t tolerate the vet product
Cushins Pellets 1KG
Great product
Great for our pony after jumping sessions and competitions.
Like Ice Natural Clay
Stephen Doody
very good all here in time, and i have quite a few horses on it and they seem happy
Cortaflex HA Regular Solution 5L SPECIAL Best Before 01/11/2023